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Vestibular Physical Therapy

Written by Alex Corbett, PT, DPT
Contributions from Kat Lantz, PT, DPT

Vestibular physical therapy is offered at all of our North & South Carolina locations. Additionally, we have several locations that offer vestibular physical therapy specialists. Click here to read their bios.

Vestibular Physical Therapy Specialist Locations

Vestibular Disorder Symptoms

Dizziness, imbalance, and motion sensitivity are symptoms that are experienced by a large number of people and tend to increase as we age. These symptoms can be bothersome for some, while debilitating for others.

Common Vestibular Disorder Symptoms:

  • Feeling the room spinning around you (vertigo)
  • Feelings of tilting or rocking while at rest
  • Inability to walk in a straight line
  • Dizziness when walking in a crowded environment
  • Dizziness after reading or using the computer
  • Losses of balance
  • Pressure in the head, fullness of the ear, tinnitus, nausea

What Causes Vertigo & Other Vestibular Disorders?

The most common cause of vertigo is a condition called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). BPPV is a type of vertigo characterized by brief episodes of dizziness triggered by changes in head position, often accompanied by a spinning sensation, nausea, and imbalance. Vestibular issues can also be commonly caused by imbalances in the inner ear. Every person has a right and a left-sided vestibular system, and an imbalance on either side may lead to vertigo and other symptoms.

Additionally, the following items can be causes of vertigo and other vestibular symptoms:

  • Meniere’s Disease
  • Vestibular nerve damage
  • Blood flow disruption
  • Vestibular migraines
  • Certain medications
  • Concussions
  • Issues within the central nervous system

Vestibular Physical Therapy Evaluation

One of our physical therapists trained in the vestibular system will use different tests to assess eye movement, vestibular ocular reflexes, static and dynamic balance, and other important systems. By gathering a comprehensive view of your vision, proprioception, and vestibular system, your PT will be able to determine the cause of your symptoms.

BPPV Treatment

Physical therapists will perform specific canalith repositioning maneuvers depending on what was found during your evaluation. These can include:

  • Epley Maneuvers
  • Semont maneuvers
  • Brandt-Daroff Exercises
  • Lempert Maneuvers (BBQ Roll)

The good news is BPPV can often be resolved in as little as one to several session after utilizing these maneuvers.

Vestibular Physical Therapy Exercises

Most vestibular disorders can be treated with specific exercises. These can include:

  • Balance training
  • Oculomotor training
  • Vestibular ocular reflex training
  • Habituation exercises

Your exercise plan will be tailored to what activities are challenging or provoking for you, with an emphasis placed on returning you to your prior level of function.

To learn more about vestibular rehabilitation or to speak with a specialist, contact us below.

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